That’s Mental!

I’ve been thinking…

Recently, there have been a lot of programs on TV (mostly on bbcTHREE) about Mental Health.

It’s such a taboo subject in life I’ve noticed. There are loads of campaigns of awareness for different conditions about but that doesn’t seem to shift the stigma.

Bipolar Disorder for example. Used to be called Manic Depression to encompass the highs of mania and the lowof depression. Some may see people who suffer from this as a cross between Tasmanian devil and Droopy. It’s amazing to hear about people’s lives though who actually have this. Some famous examples are Catherine Zeta Jones, Demi Lovato & Frank Bruno. Some cases of mania can lead to psychosis yet others are surprisingly calm.

The subject probably confuses or worries a lot of people, but that shouldn’t stop us reading up on them, or even better asking a person we know to talk about it.

To be Continued…

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